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Shuang Liu

Ph.D. Student
Vision and Image Analysis Group
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cornell University

359 Rhodes Hall
Ithaca, NY 14850

Liu pic

Brief Biography:

Ph.D. student, 2013-Present, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, USA

M.S., 2011-2013, Electrical and Engineering, Standford University, USA.

B.S.,2007-2011, Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China.

Shuang Liu is a graduate student at Cornell University in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She is currently working in the Vision and Image Analysis Research Group under the guidance of Professor Anthony Reeves.

Research Interests:

Automated medical imaging analysis

Computer-aided detection and diagnosis

Computer vision

Current Research Topics:

1. Fully automated breast analysis from low-dose chest CT
Breast segmentation, breast density quantification, gynecomastia detection and breast cancer detection.

2. Fully automated bone analysis from low-dose chest CT
Individual bone structure segmentation and labeling including clavicles, sternum, ribs and vertebrae . The corresponding applications such as bone mineral density measurement, osteoporosis detection and vertebral fracture detection.

3. Fully automated airway analysis from low-dose chest CT
Anatomy-based labeling and quantification of human airway branches.

4. Lung nodule detection and diagnosis with deep learning approaches
The detection and classification of lung nodules from low-dose chest CT for early lung cancer screening using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).

Selected Publications:

  1. S. Liu, Y. Xie, and A. P. Reeves. Automated 3d closed surface segmentation: application to vertebral body segmentation in CT images. Int J CARS, 11(5):789-801, 2016.
  2. A. P. Reeves, S. Liu, and Y. Xie. Image segmentation evaluation for very-large data sets. SPIE Medical Imaging, 9785:97853J, March. 2016.
  3. S. Liu, M. Salvatore, D. F. Yankelevitz, C. I. Henschke, and A. P. Reeves. Segmentation of the whole breast from low-dose chest CT images. SPIE Medical Imaging, 9414:94140I, March. 2015.
  4. S. Liu, Y. Xie, and A. P. Reeves. Segmentation of the sternum from low-dose chest CT images. SPIE Medical Imaging, 9414:941403, March. 2015.
  5. A. P. Reeves, S. Liu, and Y. Xie. Fully-automated quantitative analysis of chest CT images. CARS '15, presented, June. 2015.
  6. S. Liu, Y. Xie, and A. P. Reeves. Automated 3d closed surface segmentation: Application to vertebral body segmentation in CT images. CARS '15, presented, June. 2015.